Connatur was born in Conil de la Frontera (Cadiz). This Brand was founded in 2017 to help people improve their health and wellness.
We develop herbal solutions from Moringa. This plant is a wonder of nature with a high nutritional and medicinal power. The reason for that is its ability to regulate and protect our body. In our Company, we have established the entire value chain in a sustainable and committed way with the environment.
All of this is done through an organic farming ensuring a production free of waste, betting on a craft process and implementing a passive solar dehydration system that allows us to preserve all the properties of the Moringa leaf. Therefore, we close the whole process in our agribusiness with optimal quality control and traceability. This way we get top quality products. All these reasons justify that we have created a Brand that transmits closeness, trust and familiarity. Thanks to all this, we make the difference in the market with our Brand called Connatur.
Juan Diego Marin Sanz
CEO / Management Connatur Moringa from Conil
“I have to admit that one of my passions throughout my life has been to help people improve their lives. Moringa achieved to make me feel another passion when it appeared on my way:
business entrepreneurship.
Because all of that Connatur was born. This Brand has become in a mission in my life that day by day satisfies me. I am glad to see how our solutions are helping thousands of people o improve their wellness”.
Our Moringa crops are located in Conil de la Frontera. They are surrounded by the Roche pine forest. This wonder of nature is located one kilometer from the coast. Thanks to the great resources in biodiversity that Conil de la Frontera have, this area is the perfect place to practice an ecological and sustainable agriculture. In adittion to all this, in this area we have a privileged climate for the development and production of Moringa oleifera.